Dear Taiwanese American community,
Nine months have passed since my February 25th Open Letter listing ways for how Taiwanese Americans can show our solidarity and support for Ukrainians defending their country against the Russian invasion on February 24, 2022.
I am writing again prouder than ever of my Ukrainian friends and family for how they kept fighting and defiantly defending their country against the Russian invasion.
Two friends who I had served with in the U.S. Peace Corps have impressively sprung into action that I especially want to highlight for our upcoming Giving Tuesday and TACL Gives Back campaign, please consider donating to both or either humanitarian aid efforts supporting Ukrainians inside and near the front lines:
- My friend Ed Ma founded Ed’s Friends, a non-profit with the sole focus of bringing in anything that our Ukrainian friends need to Ukraine. If you donate to Ed’s Friends, you will be helping bring in more ambulances, water tanks for holding clean water, medical kits, fuels and other supplies for the front line!
- My friend Susan Vdovichenko, who served in Kherson, Ukraine and her husband is from Kherson which makes her children part Khersonian, has been raising funds directly for her family and friends in Kherson City. As the city that was liberated on November 11th, 2022, there is a large need for humanitarian support. In her Facebook post, the following items are listed as supplies most asked about from inside Kherson:
- kerosene lamps
- emergency candles
- wet wipes
- flashlights
- power bank chargers
- batteries
- composting toilets
- solar generators
- medicine
You can help Kherson City by donating directly to Susan either through Venmo @susan-vdovichenko-1 (last 4 phone number digit 6086) or PayPal with email
If you prefer to donate to Susan through TACL, please Venmo @taclorg AND write “For Susan and Kherson” in the description. TACL is a nonprofit organization and can provide donation receipts for donations $100 or larger.
If you are writing a check, please make it out to TACL and mail your check to:
2443 Fillmore Street #380 – 9501
San Francisco, CA 94115
with “For Susan and Kherson” written in the check memo.
For all donations through TACL, please email about your donation with “For Susan and Kherson” in the subject line.
Please donate to one (or both) however much you are able to contribute – we appreciate your help!
Winter may be coming but the fight continues. Make Ukraine part of your Giving Tuesday and giving for the holiday season.
слава україні (Slava Ukraini)! Happy Holidays!
Ever grateful,
Christina Hu
TACL – Director of Civic Engagement