Taiwanese American Citizens League and Taiwanese American Professionals – Orange County are heartbroken to hear about the senseless shooting yesterday at the Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church. It is always difficult to find the right words in a situation like this, but our thoughts go out to the loved ones of the victims and to everyone at the church, and we pray for the quick and full recovery of those who have been injured. 

In particular, we extend our deepest condolences to the family of Dr. John Cheng, 52, who had accompanied his mother to church that day and was killed while charging the shooter to disarm him. He will forever be remembered as a hero who selflessly put himself in danger to save the lives of countless others and prevented a tragedy from becoming even worse.

The Southern California Taiwanese community is very close-knit, and the local Christian Taiwanese community is even more so. A premeditated attack on a sacred house of worship in an area that so many Taiwanese call home was unthinkable to all of us. These victims are our family, our grandparents and parents, our aunties and uncles, our friends, our mentors, our community leaders. This heinous act reverberates through our entire community, not just the church-going community, and we all share in their pain and grief.

In the midst of this tragedy, we herald the bravery and quick thinking of Dr. Cheng, the pastor, and the congregants who subdued the shooter and prevented the deaths of even more people. It is perverse that this sort of bravery should even be necessary, but it is a testament to the selflessness and strength of the Taiwanese people. 

According to the Gun Violence Archive, this was the 201st mass shooting of 2022, out of 202 mass shootings as of the morning of May 16, 2022, another heart-breaking and staggering statistic which no one wants to be a part of. While this attack hits very close to home for many of us, we also extend our condolences to those affected by the recent tragedies in Buffalo, New York and Houston, Texas. These numbers are yet another sober reminder of the need for smarter gun control laws, destigmatizing mental health care, and expanding availability of mental health care services in multiple languages. 

As we continue to commemorate AAPI Heritage Month this May, we would like to remind everyone to stay safe and check in with your family and friends during this time. We know our community is strong and resilient and will press on in supporting one another through this challenging time. 

Our hearts and prayers go out to all affected by this inconceivable shooting. #TaiwaneseStrong

For further care and outreach, please see the resources listed below: 

GoFundMe for Dr. John Cheng’s Family


GoFundMe for Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church:

Asian American Senior Citizens Service Center:

Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance:

Grief Counseling:

Crisis Counseling Support:

Saddleback Medical Center – (949-837-4500)

Overseas Community Care Network of Orange County (714-754-9999)

Coping in the Aftermath of a Shooting:



對於2022年5月15日發生於Laguna Woods日內瓦長老教會的爾灣台灣基督長老教會 (Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church at Geneva Presbyterian Church) 槍擊事件我們深表哀慟,並向受害者及其家屬致上最誠摯的關懷及萬分不捨,也祈望傷者無論身心靈都能早日康復。

我們想特別向鄭達志醫師 (Dr. John Cheng) 的親屬表達由衷的慰問與悼念,52歲的鄭醫師於事發時挺身阻擋槍手,但在過程中不幸傷重不治。鄭醫師是一位非凡的英雄,讓這場悲劇事件避免更多無辜的傷亡也拯救了無數的性命,他英勇無私的行為將永遠讓人追念。


根據「槍枝暴力檔案」(Gun Violence Archive) 網站顯示,截至今年的5月16日,定義為有4人以上傷亡的大規模槍擊案,今年以來已有202件,而長老教會的事件是其中的第201件,是一個令人心碎、無辜、也無意參與的統計數字。我們亦向同一個週末遠在紐約水牛城和德州休士頓發生的槍擊案表示哀悼,這些事件都一再地提醒我們迫切需要有效的槍枝管制規範、心理疾病的去汙名化、和增加心理疾病的多元語言照顧服務。




  1. 給鄭達志醫師的家屬愛心募捐:
  2. 爾灣台灣基督長老教會槍擊事件愛心募捐:
  3. 亞美老人服務中心:
  4. 橘郡亞太裔社區聯盟:
  5. 悲傷輔導:
  6. 災後心理輔導:
    1. Saddleback 醫學中心 (949-837-4500)
    2. 橙縣急難救助協會 (714-754-9999)
  7. 英語文章「槍擊案後的心理應對」:

To contact TACL, please email us at tacl@tacl.org

5 responses to “TACL and TAP-OC Joint Statement on Irvine Taiwanese Presbyterian Church Shooting”

  1. […] friends at Taiwanese American Citizens League and Taiwanese American Professionals – Orange County have provided a list of resources in response to the May 16th Taiwanese Presbyterian Church […]

  2. […] many Taiwanese American organizations are focusing their efforts on sharing information and resources, including a GoFundMe for the church and crisis counseling […]

  3. […] many Taiwanese American organizations are focusing their efforts on sharing information and resources, including a GoFundMe for the church and crisis counseling […]

  4. […] lieu de cela, de nombreuses organisations taïwanaises américaines concentrent leurs efforts sur partage d’informations et de ressourcesdont un GoFundMe pour l’église et le soutien psychologique en cas de […]

  5. […] like the hashtag #TaiwaneseStrong by the Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL). A simple phrase that reminds us that we hold the key to defining who we are. How we process our […]