What happens when you bring TAP-SF, TACL-LYF and TASA Berkeley all together in one room on a glorious Sunday afternoon? Meaningful relationships happen. Taiwanese games (Da Feng Tsui) happen. Boba Happens. We had so many generations of TA leaders, it was inspiring to say the least.

The afternoon kicked off with high level introductions of each organization. To get to know each other, we played two Taiwanese themed games.

A big THANK YOU to the mentors who volunteered their time to speak with college students about their experiences in various industries. Industry-specific breakouts allowed students to ask their mentors career-oriented questions as well as general life questions. Industries ranged from tech, healthcare, finance, and marketing to education and the arts.

To test the effectiveness of these breakout sessions, there was a trivia contest at the end of the day which tested our memories on names and kept us guessing on who was Instagram famous and figure skated. It was clear that TASA Berkeley was the youngest team as they had the best memory recall during this game.

A special shout-out to the Google community space. Also, the fact that the students initiated the event and many of the activities was very impressive.

PC: Vivian Liu

Quote from students:

“Many thanks to TAP-SF & LYF for this amazing mentorship event on Sunday. It was an invaluable experience hearing from so many accomplished Taiwanese Americans about the things you all have learned during your unique journeys. We cannot wait to use all of your tips and tricks, be it interview skills, utilizing college resources and opportunities, or even advice on how to stay in touch with old friends. You all have shown us an incredible diversity of career options and paths for us to look forward to. We could not imagine a better group of role models!”