All donations will be used to fund future initiatives to improve the life of Taiwanese Americans around the country! We appreciate your support in this Fundraising Campaign benefiting the TACL Network!


  • Expand youth camp program to other major cities in west coast
  • Activate Taiwanese festivals in major cities by promoting Taiwanese cultures to local mainstream communities
  • Restart Political Internship Program (PIP) by placing college students in local and state elected officials’ offices for a summer internship that emphasizes identity and community impact while gaining leadership and networking experience
  • Promote Taiwanese recognition in US Census 2030
  • Grow the TACL Legacy Fund to enable TACL and our various programs to build a more sustainable future for the next generation

Your contribution will help TACL continue to grow as a prominent Taiwanese American organization and to foster culture identity, leadership, citizenship, network among our communities. Please donate to our “$40k by 40” Anniversary Fundraiser. Become a TACL annual sponsor for our national initiatives.

TACL is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization run entirely by unpaid volunteers. Your donation may be tax deductible. (Please consult your tax advisor)

Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL) was founded in 1985 to serve as the first and preeminent voice for the increasing community of Taiwanese Americans and Taiwanese immigrants. The mission of TACL is to help improve the quality of life of Taiwanese Americans in the United States. Our work is largely devoted to our values of Leadership, Identity, Networking, and Citizenship. 

Leadership Identity Development (LID)
Leading Youth Forward (LYF)
Political Internship Program (PIP)
SPARK Accelerator
Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL)
Taiwanese American Professionals (TAP)